Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016

Man snaps and murders his wife, 5 year old child then himself

A seemingly happy suburban father 'snapped' when he shot his wife and five-year-old daughter execution style before turning the gun on himself himself.
Minnesota police this week closed the case involving David Crowley, 29, his dietitian wife Komel, 28, and their daughter Raniya whose decomposing bodies, completely ravaged by the family dog, were discovered by a neighbor in January of 2014.
Police say they found the Arabic phrase "Allahu Akbar" written in blood on the wall of the family's Apple Valley home, according to
Police also found a spiral notebook that had the words, 'Submit to Allah NOW,' written on it.

The notebook also had the words 'open "The Rise" ' and 'most recent version,' written on it.
Crowley, a documentary filmmaker, was working on a project called 'The Rise' about the 'Gray state model.' The film's story line includes a police state, martial law crackdown and social breakdown.
A police file about the incident released this week describes the alleged murder-suicide step by step.

Crowley is said to have killed his wife and daughter two hours before he shot himself in the front of the head.
Komel Crowley was raised Muslim in Pakistan and converted to Christianity when she married David Crowley. They married after meeting when he was stationed in Texas for the Army in 2008.
Police believe that Crowley's choice of Arabic words was a sarcastic jab at his late wife's background.
In the kitchen police found a laptop with the words 'I have loved you all with all of my heart.'

On the floor of the kitchen were Crowley's bloody footprints.
On the floor next to the dead bodies was blood smeared all over a Quran that had a Muslim forgiveness prayer for the dead.
The bodies were not found for days and before they were discovered they'd been torn apart by the family's dog who was still alive when police arrived at the scene.
'It was just a gruesome scene that anybody who came in contact with had to face,' Valley Police Chief Jon Rechtzig said.
'You had this terrible loss of life -- an entire family wiped out, three people.' 

'He was in a very dark place,' Rechtzigel said. 'He had a lot of stressors on him and was working on a very dark topic -- basically about the fall of society and FEMA troops taking over the U.S.'
Crowley reportedly expressed his concerns about the film to his friend just a little over a week before he murdered his family.
Crowley emailed Los Angeles filmmaker Jason Allen to tell him that they lost most of their financial backers.
He wrote him that he was 'exhausted from carrying and managing this burden for so many years.'

It was also revealed that a company that a film prop company Crowley co-owned was going out of business and he was stressed about that.
Police capt. Bermel said that Crowley kept an online journal but nothing in it indicated that he would commit suicide.
'Our hope was that we'd find a note or something, and we didn't,' Bermel said. 'There was nothing there that would give an indication about his state of mind.
 Next-door neighbor Collin Prochnow who discovered the bodies told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that they had not been seen since Christmas. 
He went to the steps of their house to pick up packages that had been there for days. A dog was said to be inside at the time.
Several neighbors said Crowley may have been veteran and had tattoos on his arm. The family are believed to have lived in the house for around a year-and-a-half.
Police met with Crowley’s father , mother, and sister who said that in recent months, communication with the couple and their daughter dwindled.

They explained that David and his wife Komel had distanced themselves from the family since October,' Apple Valley police detective Sean McKnight wrote in a report of the meeting.
'There did not seem to be a reason for this other than that Komel had told (Crowley's sister) that they were going through some personal issues and were going to work it out alone as a family.'
Komel Crowley wrote the following email to her husband's sister about a month before her death: Of course there is a reason for the recent silence -- we obviously don't get any form of pleasure withholding communication from our own family. I didn't think it was necessary for either David and I to spell it out, but this is all I choose to share: we are dealing with an endless list of deeply personal issues silently as adults, as lovers, as partners and parents." 
Alice Hixson and her husband, Bill, lived across the street for 21 years. Mrs Hixon said in 2014: 'It's such a grisly, gruesome thing.'
They had seen Crowley in the yard playing with the child and would often pass them in the street.  
On his Intsagram, Crowley posted pictures of himself holding weapons and wearing hunting attire.
He was also filmed in a video for the Bullet Exchange, a supplier of military and police film props.  
According to Mrs Crowley's career profile, she was a self-employed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with six years experience in counseling, medical nutrition therapy, eating psychology, and functional medicine.
She also ran a consulting firm known as MindBody Dietitians.


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